Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Laureles Zone ... Feel the Love

We had a great zone conference today with these people below...
Look closely for your child, you will not recognize them.
They are growing like weeds. These are powerful young men and women
that are great instruments to the Lord.
The Lord takes these young ones and makes them mighty,
not from years and years of deep study, diplomas, certificates and degrees,
but from humbling themselves, asking to be guided by the spirit and
then following the promptings.
When they qualify themselves by being morally clean,
studying the scriptures, praying etc....
they can confound the wise. It is through the power of the Holy Ghost.
Everyone can qualify for this gift of guidance in their lives through faith,
repentance, baptism and then receiving the Holy Ghost.
The greatest achievement we can reach is to be under the influence of the
Holy Ghost.
If you would like to know more about this...
push the mormon.org button on the side of this blog.

And a little side note...
These are called empanadas. Just pockets of dough filled with meat. The missionaries love when we get these for their breaks during training
I had to explain what they were for the next post...