Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Monday, February 21, 2011


Sometimes things happen in the mission that are
not appropriate to blog about.

Sometimes it feels like a ton of Peruvian bricks
are sitting on your chest.

There can be heaviness involved
in the mission field.
But we have to remember that we are here on earth
to learn and grow.

We can't make decisions for other people.
We respect everybody's agency.

But when we feel heaviness,
We turn to our Heavenly Father
and answers come, things turn out,
and miracles happen.

We just take one brick off at a time.
President Turk is fantastic with all the pressure,
problems and solutions.

But more importantly
He listens to the promptings of the Holy Ghost
and follows them.

He was called of God
by the authority of the Priesthood on the Earth.
I testify that he holds the keys for
the Trujillo, Peru Mission at this time.

We really do love this calling.
We have never been so happy and fulfilled.

Am I Pollyanna?

and I hope I always will be.

Thank you Heavenly Father for this Beautiful Opportunity.