Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Come In Casma....

How great are these Elders...
They are in some intense heat right now in their areas
but everything is relative.
We are from Arizona so any heat that they complain about
in 75 to 80 degrees we laugh at.
But I will say that when you add this humidity, it can be brutal.

Our Zone Leaders below are leading the practices that they take 
very seriously.  It is amazing how much they help.
Elder Prebe and Elder Pickett 
are holding down the fort in the new Casma Zone.

I have 222 missionaries right now which is a ton
but I also have several dogs that are part of the mission.
It seems that every chapel
has a token dog 
that comes with it.

These are my Cowboys of Casma...
They are tough, hard working, determined, 
and loving every minute of their missions.
Missions are not for Whimps.
They are for those that trust God with all their hearts.
When you have faith in God.... there is no room for fear.
When you have no fear...
Great things can be accomplished!

Keep doing what you are doing
Because it is working!


Zone Leaders: Pickett and Prebe

Elders:  Ortellado, Leyva, Levos, Qualls,
De Paz, Merkley, EspaƱa, Leon,
Colonio, Flansberg, Rengifo, Russell