Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mission Presidents Seminar... Lima

We were surprised by these sweet returned missionaries
at the airport when we arrived in Lima
for our Mission Presidents Seminar.
One of their brothers works for Lamoni tours
and found out our schedule...
And Surprise!

They came to the hotel and we all ate dinner together and caught up.
We thank them all for coming.
We love you all.
Elder Tagle, Hna, Montes, Hna Parque, Hna Cruz and Elder Del Aguila

Mission Presidents Seminar
is a great time to see and be with dear friends.
This was our last one, so it was a little sad
saying goodbye to everyone.

These were just random shots by me not the real photographer.

Our dear North American friends who have served in Peru
with us at the same time will
be lifetime friends.

They know exactly what we have been through.
We have shared stories and experiences
that have gone from roaring laughter to tears streaming
down our faces.

Dorius' and Bluncks
thanks for sharing this experience with us...
We will love you forever!