We had a Multi-Zone Conference in Chimbote today.
My mission is my Missionaries....
I will love them forever.
I know where they live
and I will go and find them if they get lost.
It scares them a little when I tell them this.
They know I am serious.
But I really want them to know that it is not enough
just to have a testimony.
Testimonies come and go..
I need them to be fully converted to the Gospel.
Their conversion needs to take them through all the
ups and downs of life and into eternity...
I want them to keep the commandments.
Commandments keep us safe and give us peace.
They are not restraining they are freeing...
Two of the most simple songs that I know... are the most powerful to me...
The hymn... 125
How Gentle God's Commands
How kind His precepts are
Come cast your burdens on the Lord
and trust His constant care....
the other three verses are beautiful too.
And the primary song...
Keep the commandments in this there is safety and peace!
These four Zones of missionaries in Chimbote
are strong and fearless...
They know they are on the Lord's side
and accomplishing His work.
The only thing that I tell my missionaries to fear is SIN...
Stay far- far away from it
Repent Often...
Partake of the Sacrament Weekly...
What a blessing this mission has been
to all of us...
To serve along side these missionaries
is a privilege...
Life is beautiful every single day
when we serve God....
... no matter where we are... Right?
Chimbote... Keep up the great work..
You are Outstanding!
Hermanas: Paiva, Pocco, Huaman, Smith, Villanueva, Semorile, Dahua
Elders: Almonacid, Beazer, Bramble, Bustamante, Caal, Cano, Chatwin, Diaz,
España, Espinoza, Fernandez, Guerrero, Hill,
Lobaton, Madrid, Miranda, Morales, Morgan, Nelson, Nystrom
Palomino, Patiño, Perez, Perez, Prestwich, Ramirez, Rodriguez
Sato, Ureta, Valcarcel, Vanden Bosch, Wallace,
Whitelock, Yupanqui, Zapata
Ataurima, Bulmini, Bustinsa, Castillo, Condori,
Contreras, Cunningham, Garcia
Mieles, Nye, Ordoñez and Oyarzun
(Hermana Maza, Elders Quispe and Almazan were in Lima)