This is my sister Bonnie and her family.
Her oldest son, Rock is going on a mission.
He is called to El Salvador.
He leaves next week.
Tonight our family had our traditional
Tie and Ice Cream Party
buy a new tie for the missionary...
Or if it is a girl missionary we have
Skirts and Desserts!
It turns into a competition of course.
Who bought the best tie!
It looks like purple man will head to El Salvador for
a couple of years with Rock.
He has never been there... that's for sure.
As part of the program tonight...
My sister Jill put this sweet video together of
Rock and his story.
Rock is quite the athlete.
When he was 14 years old he contracted
a virus that could have taken it all away...
but instead it gave him so much more.
We love you Rock...
You are soooooo lucky to be leaving
on the greatest time in your life so far.
Best Wishes!