Yesterday after the beautiful Gilbert Temple Dedication...
I went with my brothers and sisters and our families
to the cemetery to be together.
It has been one year since my Dad passed away.
I will never forget the feelings of loneliness I felt as I
realized that I would be flying home from Peru by myself
because Terry needed to stay with the Missionaries.
I knew that I would be weeping all the way home.
I was worried about the people that were going to sit by me
on the plane. But the Lord took care of me.
On each of the flights… there were three of them…
there were empty seats next to me. When does this happen.
I was able to cry all that I wanted and write my talk for the funeral.
There were so many tender mercies for me and Terry that week.
I was able to be home for Bridget's birth which was an added bonus.
Bridget turns one on the 11th… she was born the day after my Father's funeral.
The Lord loves His children.
When we are in tune and listening… we can always hear Him.
This year has flown by so fast I can't believe it.
I miss my Dad a lot but I testify that he is happy and busy
and serving us on the other side.
The Temple covenants and sealing power are real and binding…
This is where Heaven and Earth come together in a powerful way.
I thank my Heavenly Father for the blessings of
the Temples that are dotting the earth...
and linking families together … forever.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ puts everything into perspective.
There is a beautiful plan for each of us.