Janet asked me to be a guest contributor to her blog today so I could relate an experience I had yesterday afternoon working with Elder Weathers on the outskirts of Trujillo. He and I had several appointments fall through as we began our afternoon work so we visited the home of the first counselor in the Alto Moche Ward bishopric. He was happy to see us but was leaving for work. As he was on his way out the door Elder Weathers asked, like all great missionaries do: “Hermano, is there anything we can do for you today?” and the brother stopped… he said that he had just received the thought that someone needed to visit the Briones family that lived several blocks away… it seems that the Briones family has been less active in the ward for sometime and he felt someone needed to see them now. He even stopped long enough to draw us a map of how to find the house. We told him we´d be happy to visit them. After several wrong turns and about an hour later we found the Briones family. They greeted us warmly and we had a prayer and a spiritual thought with them…I then asked the father of the family…”Why did the Lord send us here?”, and he said he knew that Father in Heaven had directed us there to bring them back into the family of God. The mother started to cry and said her four-year-old daughter, Estrella (Star) was ill and she didn´t know how to help her. She has been sick for over a year. We offered to give the daughter a blessing. They were thrilled. The father asked us to follow him to their back yard where the most beautiful little girl was sleeping in a homemade hammock. Elder Weathers anointed her and I sealed the anointing with a blessing of health. There was a powerful spirit. We embraced the family, and they promised to see us in church this week. And as I left the home I said to my companion that I felt like this was one of the most important things I had done here in Peru…he said he felt the same way. I know God knows the needs of his children. I'm thankful for the Counselor that listened to the prompting to send us to the Briones Family. I will continue to pray for Estrella and her parents…they have already blessed my life.