Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Going Bananas... with Elder Jones!

Elder Jones, our Financial Secretary writes this post.

As the enormous Leadership Conference was drawing near, the Financial Secretary was growing quiet with deep concern.

The Personal Secretary was flooded with lists and charts of each of the missionaries and their respective travel plans and hotel rooms. The Assistants were preparing their precise trainings and inspiring leadership talks.

But the Financial Secretary's job, responsibility or duty, if you will, seemed quite daunting. Possibly the most important part of the day... the Refreshments. This crucial decision brings the spiritual symphony to its encore status. But without an effective refreshment this symphony ends up more like a Jr. High beginners orchestra. We needed the refreshment to be inexpensive, healthy, tasty and non repetitive. We wanted a nice fruit that was naturally clean and one that we could buy in bulk. But where can you find 140 bananas that are ripe and ready to go. This is when an inside source (our taxi-man, Alfredo) let us in on the biggest kept secret in Peru. The HERMALINDA, Trujillo's largest open fruit market.

Lets take a look inside.
And here we are in the Banana Havana.

I felt a little overwhelmed with all these bananas
and didn't know what to do.

So I did what seemed natural and began banging
on my chest like Donkey Kong.

I guess I scared the banana dealers because we got 140 bananas for 17 Nuevos Soles or about 4 cents for each banana. Don't mess with the DK!

Here we are carrying the Platinos to the the mission van.

Saying "Que tal" to our friend on the way out of The Hermalinda. It was a success and needless to say when the missionaries saw the refreshments...
They went absolutely bananas.