Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

FINALLY... The Big Day!

Look what happened here today
Yes ...
The Ground is Broken
Bring on another Glorious Temple of God!

The service was beautiful.
President Rafael E. Pino Presided.
Here is the drawing of the Trujillo Temple.

This Temple will be magnificent and add so much beauty to this city.

 They put up a giant tent that looks like a Mochica Temple
I thought it was funny.
But when I walked in to the tent this morning and saw
the big picture of the real Trujillo Temple
I started to cry.
I wept through the whole service.

I testify that this is a Temple of God and will have the
proper Authority of the Priesthood
for the Sealing and Saving Ordinances that will take place here.
This is sacred and everlasting work
that is performed here on earth.


When we were actually with the shovels
I couldn't take a picture 
But here are some poses.

Here is our Area Presidency. They all live in Lima.
They are all in the first Quorum of the Seventy.
Elder Uceda and his wife on the left.
President Pino and his wife in the center
and Elder Waddell and his wife on the right.
The Waddells are new to the Presidency.  They have been here for a month.
He served in Barcelona Spain as Mission President from 2006 - 2009
They are from San Diego.

We are happy we are here for the groundbreaking and to watch
the Temple go up....
Because it will not be finished until 2014.

 We finally met the Risso's the new Mission President in Chiclayo.  
He was Fred Ashby's (my brother in law) counselor in Uruguay
and Fred actually baptized Sister Risso when he served a mission in his youth
in Uruguay.  Small world.

Here is President with the Mayor of Trujillo -  Cesar Acuna 
They had all the political dignitaries there today also.

 And this is Hermana Olinda Espinoza Camus.
She was the first speaker today.
She is the oldest member of the church here in Trujillo.
She is ninety-four years old and is thrilled to be here 
when the Temple has begun.
It has been her dream all of her life.

She was sitting next to us on the stand and she would just sing 
with the choir.  She was my favorite.

After lunch we took some of the Area Presidency to Chan Chan in the afternoon
and then off to the airport.

It was a Glorious Day to Behold!