Elder Puente asked if he could please stay as long as he possibly could.
He extended three weeks after his group left.
Which is so sweet because he had a lot of success
in these last three weeks.
This Elder loved his mission
and gave everything he had here in Trujillo.
We will miss him like crazy.
President Turk truly feels like these Elders are his sons.
He spends so much time teaching, training, interviewing, corresponding with,
learning from, enjoying and loving each one of them.
We cry at the airport and then we wait for their sweet emails
saying that they have arrived home
and are adjusting and happy.
And then we wait for their next correspondence which is usually
a wedding announcement. Some are quicker than others.
And now we have a few that are expecting babies.
We are going to be grandparents to a bunch of
the cutest little latino babies you have ever seen!