This is Hermana Sandstrom who has been in the mission just a few months.
She is great and we love her contagious smile.
This is Hermana Sandstrom's parents.
Her mother, Tammy, served a mission in her youth in Boston...
Which probably had a lot to do with her daughter serving a mission now.
Tammy taught a man back in Boston that was originally from Columbia.
His name was Ricardo. He listened to the lessons, knew the Gospel was true
and He was baptized.
I don't have a picture of Ricardo, but here is a picture of
Ricardo Montelban... just pretend
Ricardo went back to Columbia and converted his family.
He happens to be an Uncle to our
Elder Barinas
whose family was converted through this Uncle Ricardo.
Uncle Ricardo even named his daughter Tammy after Sister Sandstrom
who taught him the Gospel.
This is why Elder Barinas' first cousin is named Tammy!
Elder Barinas would not be a member of the Church
if Hermana Sandstrom's mother hadn't served a mission
to Boston and taught his Uncle.
Here are Hermana Sandstrom and Elder Barinas in the center
with their companions.
Thank you Tammy for serving a mission
because you have no idea how outstanding our
Elder Barinas is... You can count all of his converts
to your list now too... which are many.
We know that Hermana Sandstrom serving with us now
will have stories like this with the lives
she touches here in Peru.
PS... Don't you think that Elder Barinas looks a lot like his Uncle Ricardo?