Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Here We Go.... Guest Blog Posts

Guest Blogger:  ABRAHAM GEIGLE
Abe is 10 years old

You'd think that we'd be riding lamas, and having a strange time, but we have been in a big, clear ball called a cuy ball. Cuy balls are big enough to hold people, and they are put in pools. First, Spencer went in the first cuy ball, and the man at the booth inflated it. Spencer had an odd experience (in my opinion) because no one had gone in it beforehand, and he slapped onto his back. There was 2 balls, so the man put Pete in the next cuy ball. Pete did high knees, and sort of got the hang of it. Then, Spencer and Grant switched (Spencer got out, and Grant got in). The man inflated it, and Grant was off. Then Nate switched with Pete, and I switched with Grant. I thought this was going to be easy, after watching Pete, Grant, and Spencer. WRONG!!!! I , having liked and watched hamsters in balls, did the hamster walk. It wasn't easy. I kept slamming on my belly, and I had a fun time. Then Nate switched with Grace. Grace and I were the last ones. I tried to show Grace that she should do the hamster walk, because in was the easiest. I found out I couldn't communicate with Grace, and I just kept hamster walking. It was time to get out, and I said, " It was FUN!!!" That's the true story about Abe (me) and The Cuy Balls.

Abe - Age 10