Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Third Time's the Charm!

We went to the airport three times today.
Once to take my sisters and their families.
They are heading to Cusco.
That was sad for me.
The second time we delivered these Elders and Hermanas
They are leaving us too.
That was sad for me.

Elders Barinas, Meza, Bourque, CermeƱo, and Castro
Hermanas Lamas and Parque.

These are some special girls.
I am really going to miss them.
They started with us.
But the Third time to the airport was the Charm
We went to pick up these Elders
and we get to keep them.
This made me Happy!

I will tell you all about these Elders tomorrow
after we train and orient them.
I will also post their trainers and areas.