Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunrise... Sunset

President and I were driving to the airport to say goodbye and hello
as the sun was going down...
I took this shot through the window.
I felt a little overwhelmed... sad and happy and love and 
well, a lot of emotions going on today.

We cried more tears as we said our last goodbyes...

Many members came to say goodbye also...

Even this darling 92 year old Sister who had to say goodbye to Elder Arena.

I cried and cried and then I had to shake it off and put on a happy face
because around the corner...
Twelve wonderful, excited missionaries had landed with huge smiles
on their faces
ready to meet their new mission parents.

I am grateful it was dark outside...
My swollen eyes were not quite as scary.
I can't wait to introduce you to new ones tomorrow.

They were heading to the hotel for hot pizza 
and then they were meeting some missionaries tonight
to head out to work for a couple of hours.

Good for them... they just jump right in!