Here is a typical little street in one of the
Barrios of Trujillo
This is one of the neighborhoods where
Hermana Jackson and Hermana Diaz work.
Their area also includes our mission offices actually.
President told me that the Hermanas are in this picture
but you have to have super human eyes to see them.
They are in the dead center of the photo.
This is the game... I spy with my little eye!
Hermana Jackson is from Indiana
and Hermana Diaz is from Peru...
Many differences between them and yet so much love and respect.
If we could all just focus on giving respect to every human being
the world would be such a beautiful place.
They serve everyone they can not just members and
not just investigators.
They want to leave every area a better place then
when they arrived.
"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings...
ye are only in the service of your God"
And this is when you feel His love.
And with His love, there is a motivation
to do Good Continually.
It's contagious and you want everyone to catch it.
These sister missionaries are the best and they taught some great lessons.
Thanks Hermanas.
It's that time again when my mind is spinning with thoughts about the
Christmans Program in the Plaza.
Our theme this year will be...
I have rewritten the narration and added some new songs
and of course we will have a few new grand surprises.
This is my last big show.
We will be going out with a bang...
that's all I'm saying.
You won't want to miss this!