Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Bird is the Word....

This morning as we were getting ready to leave for Chimbote...
I came out of my bedroom
and a bird flew right at my face...
I jumped out of my skin.

It scared me and the bird so bad that we both flew to opposite
sides of the room...  and then the loud yell...

President came running.  He was working out on the treadmill
and had opened the front door for some fresh air...
which we always do.
But this morning the bird snuck in and flew upstairs.

 Poor little bird was petrified.
President swooshed it down the stairs with a towel
and right back out the front door.

We then drove with the Assistants to Chimbote
and spoke in the saturday night Conference Session.
After the session, we were fortunate to eat with the entire Stake Presidency
and their wives.  It was a beautiful meal
with beautiful company.  But the sad part is
that I didn't take a picture.  How did I forget?

I always take a picture.... bummer!
I am so happy that we get to be with all of them 
again tomorrow for Stake Conference.

I am in Chimbote Peru
having the time of my life...
Just drinking in all these memories!