Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Thursday, February 21, 2013


President was on his knees again
talking to the Chimbote Sur Zone about prayer.

When we talk about "Praying Always"
with the missionaries... this is the perfect place
to teach it.  When your heart, might, mind and strength
are working towards serving and lifting others...
it's just natural to pray to Father in Heaven constantly
about those you are teaching and helping 
and those that you would love to be teaching.
Part of praying always is listening too.
Our Heavenly Father is always trying to talk to us.

During lunch break, President and I ran over to check in at the 
hotel around the corner.

These are the photos that were taken when we were gone.

The Assistants were busy trying to get things
orchestrated and completed.
Elder Castillo was the photographer and 
Elder Mecham was trying to get everyone
in the right place for the group shot...

It looks like everyone is listening to him...  right?

The Hermanas look like they are covering their ears
but they are really trying to hold their hair down
in the wild winds of Chimbote.
Look at what the wild winds did to Elder Mechams coat.
That's pretty wild right there.
The group photo turned out perfect... thanks to the Assistants.

Here are the Mighty Zone Leaders, 
Elder Felt and Elder Yat trying to 
show their Zone some sweet techniques
in the ring toss.

This Zone Includes:

Elder Nystrom, Elder Yat, Hermana Huaman, Hermana Shearman
and Elder Beazer

Elder Castillo III, Elder Alva, Elder Vanden Bosch, Elder Espinoza,
and Elder Hales

Elder Morgan, Elder Guerrero, Elder Espinal, 
Elder Felt and Elder Rotolo

 Hermana Eddings, Hermana Fernandez (mini missionary)
Hermana Pillco, Elder Kellogg, and Hermana Villanueva

Much Love Chimbote Sur!