Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Friday, April 19, 2013

Chimbote Pensionistas

Can you see them?
They all have halos...
and I promise you that they have earned their wings.

A Beautiful Photo of Angels...

These are the Pensionistas of Chimbote and Casma.
They are so dedicated to helping our missionaries.
So when we train them and update them at these conferences.
We also feed them and spoil them once a year.
Believe me they deserve it.

 The missionaries gave out a few door prizes.

We look forward to these conferences so much.
The Pensionistas have been a huge part 
of our missionary family.
They contribute so much to this work.
 We can never thank them enough.
This is our last Pensionista Conference.
I will have to physically leave them but 
they are all etched in my heart forever.

 I am so grateful for the Missionaries that traveled with us 
on the trip to Chimbote.  We crammed in so many things
in 3 days that I feel like we were gone for 3 weeks.
So on our way out of Chimbote
We swung by the Mira Flores Chapel
so that the missionaries could see it and take a photo.
 It is a big majestic chapel that looks like a mini temple.
It is right by the ocean.

I want these missionaries to know that we are so 
thankful that they will jump in 
and do whatever it takes to make things
run smoothly.
Elders:  Smith, Fackrell, President, Zarian, Mecham

We could not be happier with all of their diligent effort 
and hard work.

Elder Zarian was not feeling well the whole time
we were in Chimbote but he kept plugging
along and didn't miss a beat.
He is feeling much better now.