Because the Huaraz Zone Missionaries were already
in Trujillo for Elder Bednar,
We had them stay an extra day for their interviews.
This saved us two days of travel.
When the missionaries come in from Huaraz they travel
through the night on the sleeper buses.
In July the area of Huaraz will be divided off from our mission
and added to the Lima West Mission.
The missionaries in Huaraz are all now wondering if they will be
the ones that are divided off from our mission.
Everyone of these missionaries in their interviews with the President
were willing to do whatever they were asked to do.
The President is praying about it and there will be two more
changes before it is final.
We are all just going to do the Lord's work no matter
where we are ...
That is the bottom line, Right?
We don't want one of these missionaries to go to another mission...
but whatever happens they will always be our missionaries.
And in July when Huaraz is divided off,
Our mission and the West mission will both have new
Mission Presidents.
Elder Montesino Elder Yaicate Elder Salazar
Elder Rocha Elder Lorenzo Elder Quispe- Zone Leader
Elder Hill Elder Vera Elder Sarria
Elder Garcia Elder Chacon Elder Garcia
Hermana Romero Hermana Carbone Elder Felt - Zone Leader
Hermana Doxey Hermana Martinez Elder Oruna
I am so grateful that we were able to have Huaraz a part of our Mission.
It is such a beautiful little spot on earth.
We love the people that live there so much.
We have a couple more trips there before we leave.
Thank you Huaraz Zone for your great works.
We Love You!