Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Moms... They are doing Great!

Here are our new ones and their trainers at one month...  
They are more than surviving...  They are Thriving!

They had some fantastic training today.
It is always fun to get them in after being out for a month.
They do have some questions and some interesting comments.

Our trainers are excellent.  We trust them with our most
precious possessions....

And here they all are enjoying the day in the office...

 New ones include:
Hermanas Semorile and Pocco
Elders: Garcia, Sato, Alquizar, Rotolo, Caro, Almazán, and Callapa

Trainers: Hermana Doxey, Hermana Petherbridge, Elder Wallace, Elder Meza,
 Elder Levos, Elder Quispe, Elder Quiroz, Elder Pugmire and Elder Hendrix

Thank you and Love to you all!