Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Monday, November 12, 2012

Packages for Christmas

It's that time of the year again
when we start to receive many questions on
the best way to send packages.

We suggest that you send all your packages 
through the US mail in the flat rate boxes.

These are the most successful without
paying penalties on our end.
Whatever you send,  take it out of its packaging
so that it is not new.

Candy you can leave in the packaging - Please.

UPS and the other carriers are not faster and they 
tend to charge us on this end too.

Packages on average take about 2 to 3 weeks.

We have had many of you asking about our needs...
We are doing great but if you would like
to stick in a white shirt or tie or socks...
we would love it.

Please Mail all of your packages to this address:

Missionary's Name

Avenida Larco #849 - 3 Piso
Urb. La Merced
Trujillo - La Libertad

You can also email us your package number so that  
it can help our office staff.

Send your numbers to 

We appreciate all your love and support!