This logo was created for our quarterly newsletter. Do you think the Latinos have seen the Brady Bunch? Oh well, here it is...

President Turk - Very Guapo, runs a tight ship, and everyone loves to be with him.
Elder Hunsaker - Moving up to 1st assistant, has been a huge asset to both of us.
Elder Andersen - New Personal Secretary, we are already thrilled with his talents and abilities.
Elder Mayorga - New Assistant taking Elder Reina's spot. He is from Chile. He has big shoes to fill and we know that he will do it well.
Me - Hermana Turk - trying to keep a really good balance of hard work and a little play.
Elder Mennis - Secretary of Records - A worthier missionary you cannot find... The Best!
Elder Jones - Finance Secretary, quick learner and hard worker. We can use him anywhere. Keeps the office smiling.
Elder Garcia - Taking over for the Supplies and Mail Specialist. Still in training. He will be great for the office.