President Turk was out teaching today with Elder Lopez in Chiclin. This wonderful man below in the picture is a recent convert. He went with them to an appointment to teach his sister and her family. She had two beautiful children. But she was not married to the father. They have just been living together all this time, which is common. They all listened to the first lesson and loved it. President Turk invited them to get married so that they could move forward with this beautiful Gospel in their lives. They accepted and now we hope there will be a wedding and some baptisms soon. Thank you Bernard and Elder Lopez.

On Tuesday President Turk was teaching with Elder Qualls and Elder Pablo in the picture below. They had taught some great lessons and were on their way back to their apartment when they walked by a house that they had a referral. The Elders had stopped by twice earlier but never caught anyone home. President Turk said, Let's try it now. They knocked and a little girl opened the door and recognized President Turk. She said that she and her family went to see an Apostle speak because their friends had told them about him and invited them. They also saw us speak with Elder Christofferson at this Stake Conference and she and her family waited in the long line to shake hands with them and we were shaking hands too. She told us that she was wearing this certain hat. President Turk laughed because he remembered her from that line. There were several hundred people and when this little girl came through with her hat on, Terry and I called her our little Peruvian Meggie Pie. (Meggie Pie is our niece) She was darling. She gave me a big kiss on the cheek and we hugged. And now Terry was talking to her and her family about the Gospel. They are not members but had a great experience at that stake conference and have gone to church too. Her mom and dad and uncle and grandma are now taking the lessons.

Elder Qualls and Elder Pablo
Now multiply this by 200 every day and we have so many more
sweet little stories!