President Turk was teaching with Elder Howard and Elder Del Aguila in Gran Chimu yesterday. They had an appointment on top of this little mountain. There are no roads to these homes. They don't own cars. So they hiked to the home of this elderly couple who has been taught the first lesson already. This little couple has had thirteen children. The funny part is that they were never married... which is very common here. They taught a lesson on Faith in Jesus Christ and it went well. The man hasn't been feeling well and so they gave him a blessing. It was very sweet. And as they were leaving they wanted to close with a prayer, Elder Del Aguila asked if there was anything specific that he could pray for that would help them in their home...

The gentleman thought for a moment and then said... Can you pray that this woman will soften her character... She is not very nice to me. (translated nicely... what he was really saying was that she needs to change her personality... she is a beast) They looked over at her and she shrugged her shoulders like... hmmm, I might be a little mean, and so ... Elder Del Aguila prayed for love to abide in their home. And that they would each be kind to one another. Missionaries sometimes have to be marriage counselors, welfare specialists, activity organizers, wedding planners, etc... but that is okay because the Gospel has all the answers for each one us in our different trials and stages of life.

These Elders are great & hopefully this couple will learn something from these lessons and prayers. Don't you think that if you have had 13 children together that you are somehow married by some common law? President Turk loves to teach with his missionaries. This is the highlight for him here in the mission.