We just had one of the sweetest days ever. It was our goodbye to these Elders and Hermanas. There was a great spirit all day long. This is the group of missionaries leaving us tomorrow.
It's hard for me to let them go, as usual. There are a couple of young men in this group that I would let marry my daughter, if I had one available. Isn't this the highest compliment?
There were interviews this morning. Lunch on their own. The big despedida (farewell meeting) was in the afternoon. This is where they all share their testimonies, and there are some musical numbers and then Terry and I talk for a minute. The chapel and cultural hall were filled with their converts and member friends.
Then we had a special Dinner and Family Home Evening at the Mission Home. We had a fun activity called Mission Memories... They each had a chance to pick a phrase or word out of a bowl... for example... children, animals, When you had the most tears, companions, embarrassing moment etc... If they didn't like it they could pass it to anyone they wanted and pick another one. Then they would tell a story from the mission having to do with the topic. There was much laughter and a few tears.

We ended the evening with a video made to "How Can I Be" performed now by the composer, Nela Otuafi who sings it in Spanish. We had pictures of our missionaries along with Nephi and other great Book of Mormon heroes and of course Jesus Christ. It is a powerful song.
I am so thankful for the Book of Mormon.
It is life changing.
If people call it wicked, they haven't read it.
Me encanta el Libro de Mormon!