Terry and Janet Turk served in the Trujillo Peru Mission for three years. Terry was the Mission President to over 550 missionaries. So in order to keep them in our lives we have decided to keep this blog going after the mission at their request.
Terry and Janet

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Built like a Church
Our high councilor was speaking on Sunday and told a story of his non member friend asking him about our church buildings here in Peru.... He said, your church always builds your buildings with materials and standards way above any code here in Peru. Why would you spend so much more than you have too?
The High Councilor told him that these were Houses of the Lord and they were here to serve and protect the people. He told us that there was a horrible earthquake (somewhere) and the homes were destroyed but the LDS churches all stood. They turned into the protection for the Saints.
And then he said... our bodies and spirits need to be built like our churches. They need to always have the highest standards possible and the highest quality of everything that we put into them or around them so that they can withstand the storms of life that will come.
I am so grateful for my testimony... I know He lives and loves each one of us. I know that His Love will heal and make us whole if we will follow Him. The commandments are for our safety and our happiness. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. We have to build our lives upon the Rock, our Redeemer, so that our foundations are strong.