Terry and Janet Turk served in the Trujillo Peru Mission for three years. Terry was the Mission President to over 550 missionaries. So in order to keep them in our lives we have decided to keep this blog going after the mission at their request.
Terry and Janet

Monday, August 16, 2010
Photos by President Turk... Check these out!
I sent a camera with Terry for the weekend. These are some of the pictures that President Turk took on his trip to Huaraz... Okay, he starts with the little plane that he took from Lima to Huaraz. He first took a big plane to Lima and then this one to Huaraz,,, Not too interesting...
I asked the President about this picture and he said.... this is the new computerized piano/organ. They are finally getting them in all the buildings here. We never sing with the piano in a meeting because nobody really plays. So now they can just turn it on to the right hymn number and it plays by itself. This will be lovely. It takes everyone several bars of music to finally get on the same key. Now this picture I am a little more excited for... I love to sing!
President really, what is this picture I asked. Look, it shows the tent in the back of the building for overflow he said. They put about 500 or 600 people in the building and then between 200 to 400 in the tent outside. hummm, I'm not sure about this one... but okay.
What in the world... why is this interesting? He told me that these people were waiting to see him for first time interviews to go to the temple. Many to be sealed... This was then a very interesting and an exciting picture. These interviews alone took about 5 hours. He was exhausted after this weekend. District conference, Adult session, Priesthood session, Disciplinary counsels, training sessions for Branch presidents, interviews... all in Spanish! He said that it was five times harder than any stake conference weekend he has ever done... But so worth it...He Loved it!
He really has alot more pictures... Maybe I will do another post of the Presidents Views