Look at these great Elders that are out in Cartavio. This is Elder Gomez and Elder Warren. This is out near the Sugar Cane Fields and Factories and the Rum Factories. On a breezy day, things smell really good here... You start craving a butter rum lifesaver.

President Turk was out teaching with these elders today. They were teaching Victor who has a small farm here in Cartavio. He was very distraught over many things, but the main thing was that his well had run dry. He had been without water for several days. This is a disaster for a family and a farm. They listened to his concerns, answered some of his questions and then the Elders were able to teach him about the Savior and the Atonement. He was very touched by the lesson. At the conclusion of the lesson, they asked if they could pray with him. The prayer was offered... they asked that the Lord would bless Victor at this time with all of his concerns and problems and that there would be water in his well. After the prayer, Victor ran to his well and to every ones surprise, the well had water. He told them that he had just checked before and there was no water. What sweet faith and a reminder to us all that these small
miracles are the most powerful in individuals lives.

Here is one of the Sugar Cane factories that in the process of breaking down the product it releases masses of steam. The ashes come from burning the fields after harvesting is over. You learn quickly not to brush the ashes off of your shirt, remember you have to blow them off or you end up with ugly black marks.

Below is one of the fields being burned after they cut down the sugar cane.

After the harvest, it is a little like a war zone here but I won't complain so that each of you can pour that white granulated sugar on your
Cherrios every morning.