President Turk got a note from Elder Weathers saying that the Briones family all came to listen to Conference together on Sunday. They said that their little daughter, that has been so sick, that President Turk and Elder Weathers blessed is improving. We are so happy. Please continue to pray for little Estrella (Star) Briones. (past post... President Turk Guest Contributor)
Next, after I told my Zone Leaders the story of Elder Tancara sitting on the plane with the man that had the dream about being taught the gospel, Terry received many sweet stories this week in the 'letters to the President' about people who have been prepared by dreams or strong impressions. (past post... Sweet Dreams)
When Elder Erickson and Elder Samayoa were teaching a man this week, he told them that he had a dream that the Lord spoke to him and told him not to join a church until his brothers came to him with the truth, and that he would recognize them and their message. He listened to the lesson they gave and he said that he knew what they were saying was true. Then the missionaries told him that we are all children of our Heavenly Father. In the church we call each other brother and sister. May we call you brother? Then he really smiled big. "Yes, this is it, I was waiting for you."
Our missionaries are searching for those that are being prepared. In "Preach My Gospel" it quotes President Boyd K. Packer saying, “It is important for a . . . missionary . . . to know that the Holy Ghost can work through the Light of Christ. A teacher of gospel truths is not planting something foreign or even new into an adult or a child. Rather, the missionary or teacher is making contact with the Spirit of Christ already there. The gospel will have a familiar ‘ring’ to them."
It's important that we tell our friends about the Gospel so that they can hear the familiar ring. To those of you that are reading this blog that are not members of this church, please listen to some missionaries or look at and see if you hear that familiar ring, and feel the witness of truth. I testify that you will. Then do whatever it takes to follow that great spirit. It will bless your life.
More Random stuff...
We went to visit the Chan Chan museum... we have seen the actual ruins of the adobe city which is huge, but we didn't have time to see the museum. So we went back... Now we can say, Been there, done that! Not spectacular. We did take a few pictures with purple man, he travels in my purse for any great photo ops. They treated him like royalty. He also got a picture with the Peruvian hairless dog that guards the museum. These dogs look like the Egyptian dogs that guard the temples and pyramids there.

See purple man... he was treated like a king. But who wants to be a Chimu King if you have to wear all that jewelry... the nose/ mouth thing would be a pain.
Enlarge this photo and Look into the dogs eyes... they are pure gold... just like a vampire.
He didn't bite us, thank goodness...