Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dr. and Sister Bramwell

How fun to have the area Doctor and his wife with us for a few days.
The Bramwell's are from Washington State.
He is an orthopedic surgeon.

 After we picked them up at the airport early this morning
we had breakfast and went straight to the clinics for a walk through
and then back to the office to visit with Dr. Salazar.
He is the Doctor that removes all the appendix,
and ingrown toenails and gall bladders etc.... from our missionaries.
He also makes sure that we have the best specialists in all areas of health that we need.
He really takes care of us.
 I told Dr. Salazar today that I am not going to send him any more
sick missionaries until I send him two well missionaries 
to teach him about the gospel and returning to our Heavenly Father.
He was happy about that and we will follow through with him.
 Dr. Bramwell saw a few of our missionaries that had some health concerns
and then we went to the Plaza de Armas
and walked down Pissaro Street.
 Hermana Bramwell loves to take pictures of doors.  So I took a photo 
of her taking a photo of a great door down town.
Tomorrow the Bramwell's are teaching about health and wellness
and prevention in our Zone Leader Concilio.
It's going to be another full day.