Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Six Degrees...

President Turk was out working with Elder Pesantes and Elder Sandiford yesterday.
Elders Pesantes and Sandiford work in Intendencia
The President and the Elders were visiting this family  
that were baptized about a year ago
The brother and sister have been on mini missions for us.
Now they are both going on full time missions.
This family was baptized by Elder Armstrong and Elder Llatance
And Elder Armstrong was with the Stake President and President Turk
in the evening meeting.... 
President Briones is the brother in law to President Turk's Counselor
Miguel Rojas.
It's always like six degrees of separation in the mission...
always connections.
Elder Sandiford and Elder Pesantes
thanks for the great day.