Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Sunday, January 27, 2013

How Great is This.....

Look everyone!  It's Elder Hunsaker and our grandson Tillman Turk.
Elder Hunsaker and his wife Aubrey are Tillman's Sunbeam teachers.
What a fun teacher he must be...  He's all over the floor.
Let me remind you of our story with Elder Hunsaker...

When we first arrived in the Trujillo Mission, Elder Hunsaker had been 
called as an Assistant to President Mora
and would stay on as President Turk's Assistant.

It was perfect because Brent Hunsaker was from our
home Stake in Mesa Arizona.  In fact, President Turk
had set him apart for his mission as his Stake President before
our call to Trujillo.  We had no idea at that time that President Turk
would serve as a mission president, let alone be Elder Hunsaker's
President in Peru.  The sweet part of this story is that Elder Hunsaker's 
mother, Lori, took a few notes after his setting apart so that 
Brent could remember the blessing.  In this blessing, given by 
President Turk, he goes on and on about Brent's relationship
with his Mission President.  Funny, he was talking about 
himself and didn't know it.  

Brent was here with us when Tillman was just one year old and they 
came to visit us for Christmas the first year.
So Tillman and Brent are together again 
now living on the other side of Mesa... 
Who would have thought?
This is little Tillman in Peru his first time..

Thanks Hunsakers for teaching our grandson Tillman
We Love you!