Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mission Leadership Training... The Hermanas

Can you find your missionary?

There were about 76 of them in for Leadership Training today.

Tonight I will just post the pictures of the Hermanas...
Tomorrow all the Elders that were at this meeting will have a post.

I ran out of time.... but enjoy these sweet hermanas.
They are all preparing in a big way for all the new Hermanas
that are coming.  Each of these Sisters will be training very soon.

They are all stepping up their game.
Even if they have been here with us a short time...
They will have to help in the training.

Oh how thankful we are for these sweet ladies.
They bring so much joy and happiness to our mission.

Our whole mission is looking forward to the increase 
in Sister Missionaries.  We think they are Fantastic.

Just look at them...  GLORIOUS!
President Turk and I love them with all our hearts.
Tomorrow we have Zone Leader Concilio
but I will be posting the pictures of the Elders today... tomorrow!
Thanks for your patience...