Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Friday, January 25, 2013

The President is Pounding the Pavement!

I love when the President is out in the field
with his missionaries.
Today he was with Elder Miranda and Elder Colonio.

They taught a couple of lessons.
One of the lessons they taught was supposed to be
to a mother and her two children.
But when they arrived the mother wasn't there...
Her children were there with the grandmother.
The grandmother had heard a couple of the lessons
but had not been progressing.
She had never been to church.
President asked her what she did on Sunday
that kept her from attending with her daughter
and grandchildren.  She told them 
that she was an artist and liked to go to 
some of the art shows.
But they asked her if she could just come once
to church and see what she felt.
She said that she could attend the art shows on Saturday
and that she would be to church on Sunday.
The little 10 year old granddaughter that has been
attending church....  looked at her grandmother and said...
"Grandma, you will feel so refreshed when you attend Church"

Out of the mouths of babes....

What a beautiful statement...
We do feel refreshed when we attend Church.
It is a time to renew and refocus and recommit
on the important things that we should be doing.

Remember we should not prioritize what's on our schedule
but we should schedule our priorities...
Church, Scriptures, Prayers, Family, Service
Oh how our lives fall into place
when we put the Lord first.

It was a special day for Elder Colonio.
After they taught their lessons today, he had an appointment
to receive his Patriarchal Blessing.
He was very excited.
A few or our missionaries come without
receiving their blessings so we make the arrangements here.
Thank you Elders for a great day.