Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Birthday Boys..

Tomorrow is President Turk's Birthday
and Yesterday was Elder Wright's Birthday...
So we are celebrating today right in the middle.
It is perfect because it is the office Elders preparation day too.

Elder Wright has been doing a fantastic job as the Assistant.
The things he can now put on his resume are awesome.
*Throw a pensionista conference
*Entertain nieces and nephews of all ages
*Create power point presentations in lightening speed
*Play the drums in the Christmas presentation
*Conduct a meeting, sing a solo and train the missionaries

There really isn't anything he can't do.

We also have all the pensionistas coming on Monday 
to help celebrate with President Turk again.

My life is so grand because of this man.
He makes me the happiest girl
every day of my life.
Thank you Terry!

Happy Birthday to both of you!