Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

President Turk's Famous Quotes...

Every Tuesday morning you will find
our missionaries in District Meetings.
Districts are made up of between 4 to 8 people 
depending on the size of the Zone.
Each Zone is made up of 2 to 4 Districts.

They meet to go over any announcements, review investigators, 
changes in schedules, health questions, 
Doctrinal training, language tutoring, practicing etc....
And then if they are close enough together
they will meet as a Zone for just a few minutes.

"It fosters unity, cohesion and esprit de corp"
This is a direct quote from President Turk

I started to giggle and he looked at me like
"Oh, too big of words, right?"

I am definitely letting President Turk
write the next blog post.
He is hilarious.
Get your dictionaries ready!

I just told him that he needs to write the next post
and he said
"Nah Gah Dah"

Another direct quote from President Turk.

The sweetest thing about these District meetings is that the missionaries
each pray for each others investigators
throughout the week by name.

The Central Zone is united and pressing forward.

President Turk was then out in the afternoon with 
Elder Hales and Elder Quiroz.
They were all over visiting ward members and less actives
and they taught some great lessons to their investigators.

President Turk loves the conversations that they have in between
their appointments.  While they are walking from place to place
he is able to ask them about what they are studying, 
and of course about their missionary work in that area.

Here is their great pensionista and her husband.
She is so sweet.
Thank Heaven for our Pensionistas.

Elder Quiroz and Elder Hales are fantastic.
Keep it up.
Just like President Monson said...
An inch is a cinch -  a yard is hard!
Our greatest successes come an inch at a time.