Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Goodbye Geigles and Gurrs!

We just put these fantastic people on the plane to Cusco.
They are off to see Machu Picchu.
Last night we had the sweetest family home evening
before they left.
These children are so talented and bright.
They all have testimonies and know and love the scriptures.
They have been born of goodly parents.
They are some of the most blessed children on earth.
Below they were practicing their song.
That is why they aren't smiling they are singing.
Where much is given, much is expected.
They will be those that do great things on the earth.
They don't care about things, they care about people.
I am amazed at each one of them
and love them so much.
Thank you for coming to Trujillo Peru.
Skype and tell us all about Machu Picchu.

We love you Gurrbys and Giggles!