Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Friday, March 2, 2012

Four Part Harmony!

Huaraz was a little chilly and I loved every minute.
Trujillo is warm and sticky right now.
It was great to be in the cool crisp 
mountain air.
In fact while President was filling the car up with gas,
I took pictures of this darling mountain lady
all bundled up in her warm clothes
eating ice cream.
It is never too cold to eat ice cream!

I loved the four part harmony
that these singers put together.
Thank You!
It was such a beautiful special number.
I made them sing it again and I took a video
and now I can't find it.
I will find it and when I do I will post it.

Elders Cheme, Farnsworth, Chun, Young and Hermanas Olivaros, Jackson, McVey, Doxey.

Below is the group that live in the city of Huaraz.
It was so nice to be with them.
The other six in the zone live on the outskirts of town.

Elder Castillo and Elder Dickerson

Hermana McVey and Hermana Doxey

Elder Young and Elder Cheme

Hermana Olivaros and Hermana Jackson

Elder Nye and Elder Chun

Zone Leaders are Elder Farnsworth and Elder Brito

And of course here are the trusty Assistants... Elder Wright and Elder Vera.
They win the game every time we play
so I make them wait until the end to get the 
left over prizes.
They are good sports.

Goodbye again beautiful Hauraz... I hate to leave.
But I will say that since the new road is open
it only takes five hours rather than nine to drive home.
It makes a big difference.
Thank goodness!