Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our Sacred Grove...

Look at these handsome Elders.
Elder Sancé is from Guatemala
and Elder España is from Ecuador.

Not only are these Elders handsome
but they are great missionaries.
They teach with love and by the Spirit.
You can´t ask for more than that.

There is a lot of construction and road work and building
going on all over Trujillo....

Sometimes, if we have an extra minute during lunch time,
President Turk and I will head to our Sacred Grove
here in this busy city.

It´s so nice to just stop and pray and listen
in a peaceful place.

It´s always between 68 and 72 degrees
with a perfect gentle breeze.
I could sit here all day long.
This Arizona girl gets giddy by this weather
every single day.

To take a minute out of busy schedules
to breathe, pray and ponder
is so powerful and cathartic.
Our Sacred Grove in Mesa is the Celestial Room
in the Temple.  But we don´t have a Temple
here in the mission just yet.

But this Sacred Grove rejuvenates me..
It gets me focused and settled.

Where is your Sacred Grove?

If you don't have one... find one
and then do what Joseph did in his sacred grove.
He humbly prayed for divine guidance and then received
personal answers.