Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Sunday, April 24, 2011

"He is not Here... for He is Risen"

Thirty years ago, I was a college student at BYU.
I studied one semester, almost 6 months, in Jerusalem.

We were able to study and visit the places where Christ 
taught and lived.
The shores of Galilee, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives, Golgotha...
and of course the Garden Tomb.

The first time I walked into the tomb,
where they had placed our Savior’s body after He died on the cross,
I looked on the wall and there was a sign with the words

"He is not here… for He is risen"

Never have any words penetrated my body with such 
power and testimony.
And never have any words meant so much to me then
 and especially now.

He has given us life after the grave.
He has suffered for our sins, our loneliness, our pain and our pride.
He has given us meaning for every breath we take.

I want to testify this day that…

I know He lives.

He is my Savior and Redeemer.

This is the most glorious gift to all of mankind.

But we have to do our part
in order for us to
return to live with our Father in Heaven.

 There are no words to thank Him.
We have to show Him
our Love
through our Obedience 
and Actions.

Me with President Howard W. Hunter

Riding the camel in Egypt