Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Moto-taxi Heaven... Esperanza!

President Turk and the Assistants were out with these great Elders today.
(Mendieta, Arthur, Pruett, Maximiliano, Puente, Vera, Calisaya)

You know what that means...

Fun, cozy rides in a moto-taxi.

They are the best.
Remember I still want one of these.

President Turk was with Elders Calisaya and Arthur today in Esperanza.
Can you see these three in the rear view mirror
all squished in the back seat?

Thank you for the traditional pose of the 
missionary companionship.

This always includes:

Arms around each other - Check
Two thurmbs up - Check
 Pens and daily agendas in front chest pockets - Check
Straps around the armpits from their backpacks - Check
 Big Smiles - Check
Dog somewhere in the picture - Check

Yep, he's there in the back.

 Of course there are always the Peruvian Gangs that we watch out for...
So that we can get a cute picture.
Nothing better...
just little missionaries.