Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Sunday, February 19, 2012


President Turk ran up to Huamachuco for a Branch Conference.
He took the assistants and left me behind with a few 
sick missionaries to check on.

It's not an easy drive ... it takes 4 to 5 hours and the roads are tough.
But it is worth it to be with these missionaries.
Elders Batz, Hyde, Lorenzo and Shaw are serving
there right now.

This little branch is growing.
Here are a few of the Relief Society Members.

They just built a new baptismal font.

President Turk was interviewing and ordaining and 
teaching and training for the past couple of days.
Below are a few members of the Branch
with the Branch President.

Some of the Elders went into Primary today.
No matter how old you are 
you still want to go into the primary.

I love the Plaza de Armas in Huamachuco.
This is the one that the bushes are all
shaped like different characters.
This picture below doesn't show any of the bushes
but you can see that they keep it really nice.

Thank you Elders in Huamachuco... keep up the great work!

A late story from Chimbote...

When Elder Vera was in Chimbote when he first arrived in the mission,
He baptized this young man in the blue shirt.
and now this young man is getting ready to put in his papers 
to go serve a mission too.
He has been a member for a year and a half
and loves the Gospel and wants to share it with others.
We love these stories.

Wish he was serving with us.... someone will be lucky to have him.