Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Soccer for the Soul...

These are our hard working Zone Leaders
that got to pick out of Sister Turk's prize bag today.
Congratulations Elders for reaching your goals.

These are the hard working office Elders that
can all fit on the new couch in my living room.
I need to do a post on these couches... Funny story.
I will do it soon.

Elder Prebe from California is the only
new Zone Leader this month.
He is taking the place of Elder Wright who has been called 
as President Turk's new assistant.
Elder Prebe is a volleyball star.
Welcome Elder Prebe!

After a full day in training...
the Zone Leaders were able to release some tension
and run.  We have soccer games every third concilio.
We alternate with a service project, soccer and then a free one.

As I was trying to take an artistic photo...

of some of the name tags hanging on the netting...

A ball came right at me and my finger snapped this photo in fear.
What a great shot.  Now that is artistic.

See what a little soccer can do for the soul....

Such Happiness!

And they are off...
Back out working hard.
They are the Best...
We Love Our Zone Leaders!