Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hermana Turk Esta Triste

It has been our pleasure to serve along side these missionaries.
They are leaving us tonight
These goodbye days are very difficult for me.
I know that I won't see some of them ever again.
But I told them that what is harder than never seeing them again,
is wondering if they are living happy righteous lives....
if they are doing all the things that gave them joy on the mission.
The world can creep back in in a flash
if you are not keeping up your great routines of 
Prayer and Study and Service.

I know that these missionaries will be great.
They know my favorite Mottos...

Do what is right let the consequence follow.
Live your life so that you can have the constant 
companionship of the Holy Ghost.
Be still and listen and then follow the promptings immediately.

The missionaries that are leaving us today are
Elders Fajardo, Rojas, Rivera, Rose, Ccoycca, Nichols, Morales, Ancajima, Tapia
and Hemanas Bakaitis and Quixchan

It was so great to meet Elder Nichols parents and his brother Peter
who came to pick him up.  They are seeing the mission
and then heading to Machu Picchu.

Everyone of you... Please keep in touch with us.
We Love You So Much.

God be with you 'til we meet again.