Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Friday, August 26, 2011

President's Favorite Days...

President Turk's favorite days by far are going out to work
with his missionaries.

Today he was with Elder Farfan and Elder Huauya 
in the Mochica Area.

 They had some great teaching opportunities and set a baptismal date.

President Turk took this picture of the Elders above...
but they wanted one with the President.
So they tried to set the camera up on the self timer.

Oh wait not ready...

Nice tie... but not ready

What is this pose... 

Wow... what is going on?

Here we go.  A picture all together. Nice!

President went teaching with the Hermanas last week before
Sister Palomino went home too.
They had some great experiences also.

President is trying to teach with all of his missionaries
We just need a few more Presidents to go around
or a few more hours in the day.

You are all fantastic!
Keep up the great work.