Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Welcome Interruption

We were just starting our Zone Conference on Saturday 
with the Huaraz Zone 
and a member of the church that attends this building
came in and whispered to one of the assistants that 
a group of young men that had been playing soccer
walked by our church building and wanted 
to talk to the missionaries.
She knew that we were meeting right then
 She brought all ten of them in.
The missionaries jumped up and grabbed more chairs.
and then they all
took one of the young men
and had them sit next to them.
President Turk was just starting a lesson
on the Holy Ghost.
He introduced the missionaries and told these
young men who these missionaries were 
and what they were doing here in Peru for 18 months to two years
He then proceeded to teach them for the next 
30 or 40 minutes.

 They were reading scriptures with us and 
asking questions and 
listening carefully.

After we finished, they thanked us
and the missionaries got their names and numbers.

It was sweet to watch the interaction of our missionaries with 
the young men.
What was sweeter was watching their faces as 
they listened to truth
that they had not heard before.

President Zavaleta and his wife were with us for the day.
They had just spoken to us.
He is the District President here in Huaraz.
When the young men left, the Zavaletas followed them out 
and invited them to hear the missionaries
and come to church.

The Savaletas are Fantastic.  This District in Huaraz has been approved 
to become a Stake.  This will happen in September.
It's right around the corner.