Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

ZL Concilio -

Time flies when you are serving the Lord
with all your heart, might, mind and strength.

It seems like we have Zone Leader Council every week.
But it is once a month.

They are in training and council between 4 and 5 hours.

Today they shined each others shoes,
Don't they look fantastic?
These belong to Elder Chacaltana.

Lunch of course at Lucy's
(the mission home)

Today we played soccer.  We alternate between a service project,  an activity and soccer.
Today was soccer.  They love it.
Look at Elder Jones taking on the Goalie, President Turk.

A couple of the teams posed for pictures.
It was like Pee Wee League Soccer photos.

I told Elder Arthur that I liked his outfit.
Only in the mission can you see soccer clothes with a suit coat
and a name tag.

A great  group of  Zone Leaders and Office staff.
We sure love them.

We couldn't do it without them
and we wouldn't want too.

Elders:  Facer, Glasgow, Takishita, Arena, Howard, Weathers, Valdivia, Llatance, Vera, Wright, Urbano, Arthur, Romero, Andersen, De Leon, Pickett, Chacaltana, Jones, Ralph, Luzuriaga, Tagle, Brito, President Turk, Martinez, Cosigua