Terry and Janet

Terry and Janet

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Missionary Commission - East Zone

When we get together for any meeting, one of our Elders stands and repeats "My Missionary Commission" written by Elder Bruce R. McConkie, one of our past Apostles.

I love to hear it.  It is powerful and it is true.
My missionaries of course, say it in Spanish.
Here is Elder Contreras saying it today for the East Zone

 Here it is in English...

My Missionary Commission

I am called of God.
My authority is above that of kings of the earth.
By revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is my master and He has chosen me to represent Him--to stand in His place, to say and do what He Himself would say and do if He personally were ministering to the very people to whom He has sent me.
My voice is His voice, and my acts are His acts; my doctrine is His doctrine.
My Commission is to do what He wants done; To say what He wants said; to be a living modern witness in word and in deed of the divinity of his great and marvelous Latter-day work.
How great is my calling!

by Elder Bruce R. McConkie 

We were with the East Zone today.
Here they are in all their Glory

President Turk interviews each one of them.
These interviews include starting on their knees in prayer, then they move on to their concerns, 
their goals, ideas, teaching, learning, testifying, 
problems, training, goals, repentance, and a whole lot of love.

When he finishes with all of them, it can be very draining but exhilarating.
President Turk loves these missionaries like his own children.
It is amazing to feel this kind of love for each one.

But how can you not love this face?

These are the Zone Leaders for the East Zone
Elder Llatance and Elder Brito
oh yes... and they also won the overall "minute to win it"games.

But these are the "Bean Sucking Winners.
There is probably a better title for this game but it's late.
Elder Contreras and Elder Hurley.
You have got some powerful lungs.

 They had some papa johns and then these guys were out the door.
They had a bus to catch with a few hours of travel.

You see these Elders serve in Huamachuco which is about a six hour bus ride.
It is a mining town that has recently grown from a family group
to a Branch.  They just moved into a new little house chapel
and are growing like crazy.
Elder Shaw, Elder Brian, Elder Rivera and Elder Lopez

Here are the winners of the foosball tourney.
Elder Castro and Elder Fuentealba

 We love the East Zone.... enjoy your winnings.
(they get so excited over a little chocolate and chips)

If you make them take too many pictures it always turns into this!